The entire content of the site - images, texts, graphics, symbols, graphics, scripts, programs and other data - is the property SC Galeria Kiliman SRL  si a furnizorilor săi si este aparat de Legea drepturilor de autor si de legile privind proprietatea intelectuala si industriala. Folosirea fara acordul SC Galeria Kiliman SRL  of any of the elements listed above is punished according to the laws in force.


According to the requirements of the Romanian Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data, amended and supplemented by the Romanian Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, SC Galeria Kiliman SRL, headquartered in Str. Preot Nicolau Ilie no. 49, com. Plosca, postal code 147265, Teleorman County, Romania, serial number in the Trade Register J34 / 44/2022, Unique identification code 45496290, has the obligation to administer in safe conditions and only for the specified purposes, the personal data that you provide about yourself to us.


SC Galeria Kiliman SRL reserves the right to select its customers. The availability of the products presented on our site is updated in real time, but there is the possibility of software errors. All products on the site are in our own stock, so we can avoid situations where our supplier runs out of stock. Although we will take all measures to ensure that what appears on the site physically exists in our inventory, there may be situations that we cannot control or prevent, such as errors in the management program or the platform that hosts the site. We will always try to resolve these situations amicably and beneficially for our customers.

Preturile sunt actualizate zilnic. SC Galeria Kiliman nu este platitoare de TVA.


Produsele comandate până în ora 10:00 vor fi predate curierului in ziua respectivă, iar cele comandate după ora 10:00 vor fi predate curierului in ziua urmatoare. Produsele comandate în zilele de week-end sau de sărbătorile legale vor fi predate curierului în prima zi lucrătoare care urmează.


According to OUG 34/4.06.2014, any customer has the right to return the purchased product within 14 calendar days since receiving it. The intention to return a purchased product must be communicated to SC Galeria Kiliman SRL by e-mail, post, telephone or SMS.

Cheltuielile de retur vor fi suportate de dumneavoastră, cu excepția situațiilor când obiectul primit are un defect de fabricație sau ați primit alt produs, nu cel comandat.

Products for which no return is accepted are:

  • Products damaged due to the courier's fault, if they have already been received by you.

SC Galeria Kiliman SRL undertakes to return to the customer the sums collected for the returned products that comply with the above conditions, within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the date of your termination of the contract.