Construit ca un volum ce incearca sa surprinda ceea ce a mai ramas din arhitectura traditionala a zonei, noul album igloopatrimoniu isi propune, in mod explicit sa (re)trezeasca interesul pentru casa traditionala din Dobrogea si, de ce nu, sa constituie o baza de imagini pentru viitoare politici de conservare. Fie ca este vorba despre gospodarii instarite sau despre locuinte in plina ruina, toate imaginile din album cartografiaza specificul acestui spatiu confruntat in ultimii ani cu invazia materialelor contemporane artificiale si a formelor care au migrat din arhitectura oricum indoielnica a oraselor. Ne propunem ca acest album sa ofere o perspectiva bine documentata asupra arhitecturii traditionale a Dobrogei, promovand specificul locului, precum si responsabilitatea si nevoia de implicare in actul de arhitectura.
4 years after Stuf we return with Pantiles, another cover material that marks the identity of Dobrogea on the cultural map of local folk architecture. Yet again, we make use of the resonance and force of a word – through it and starting with the title of the album, we draw the specific differences between Dobrogean folk architecture and the vernacular forms of other Romanian territories, as well as its direct kinship to a world that has turned these burnt clay shapes into a gem to cover the most important signs of its material culture – in a word, its architecture. I also cannot help but mention that pantiles are an invention every bit as important as the wheel, and as proof of that fact we may state that their function and form have remained unchanged for over three thousand of years, the age of the oldest known pantiles, discovered in archeological vestiges of Hellenic civilizations.
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